What area do you cover?
Usually up to 2 hour car travel distance from Gloucester, but this can vary. Please contact me and I'll do my best to assist you wherever I can.
How many caricatures can you draw?
With a continuous queue, each person takes approximately *5 minutes to be drawn (black and white caricatures with black line and shading on A3 paper).
*A precise number per hour can't be guaranteed I'm afraid, as subjects do behave differently when queueing and posing for a caricature. The range of numbers quoted above are a good idea of what can be achieved with a continuous and unbroken queue.
How do you create the drawings?
I create the illustrations on an easel with my back to the queue, so guests can see the caricatures as they appear out of the paper.
How do you control the queue?
As I will be trying to get as many drawings completed for you as I can, I let individuals form a polite queue themselves. A 'queue here' sign is usually put up as a guide for people.
Can you draw for a list of guests that will be attending?
To get the most people drawn in the time that I am hired for, the best way is to have subjects to queue on a 'first come-first served basis'. From my experience, working from a list doesn't work I'm afraid, as people can tend to drift off to the loo or the bar, causing a delay for others already they queue. If my hiring customers do insist on this method, I will need a designated person with me to take charge of the list and get subjects as fast to me as possible, so I can concentrate on the drawing and get the most people drawn.
I would like certain people to be drawn, how can I ensure that they will be drawn?
Obviously, this depends on how many people you'd like drawn and how long you've booked me for. My advice is to get them to queue as early as they can.
What do the subjects receive?
A 'head and shoulder' caricature, created with marker pen black line with pastel shading on A3 paper. Each drawing is then placed in a flat plastic bag.
I've seen other artists create caricatures on a clipboard, do you do this?
No, I prefer to offer a caricature service where individuals can approach me at my easel to have one drawn. Some more sensitive people can find the idea of having a caricaturist appearing in front of them quite daunting. This way, no pressure is put on the individual to pose for one.
Do you have Public Liability insurance?
Yes, I do have insurance. Copies of required documents can be emailed to you on request.
What do you require at the venue?
Some fun-loving subjects and at least three chairs (one for me and two for subjects).
Does the period of hire I book include time and travel costs?
Yes, the quote I supply you is inclusive. I will also arrive at least half an hour earlier to set up, so you get the time you've booked me for, where I work continuously creating caricatures for you.
How much do you charge?
My hire charge depends on how long you'd like me along for and where your function is being held. Let me have these details, including a postcode, and I'll get back to you asap with a quote.
What sort of area do you need?
I'll need and area that's not too cramped (the photo above will give you a good idea). It will also need to be well-lit and under cover.
What happens at the end of the period of hire?
Due to the popularity of caricature entertainment, the hardest part of the period of hire is when it's time to say 'goodbye'! Half an hour before the end of my finish time, I hand out tokens to people in the queue who I can draw in the remaining time. It's helpful if your guests are aware of this, so please make sure you let guests know of my finish time. Inevitably, due to the popularity of my caricatures, there are always some of your guests who I don't get round to drawing. If you'd still like me to include these individuals, I can draw them back in my studio after the event in the same 'on-the-spot style'. Price for each person drawn is £10 plus p&p (delivered to your address for your distribution).
I'd like to hire you for my special event, what do I do next?
First of all, please contact me with details of your date, venue location and email address. Then, I will require you to complete a small form and pay a £50.00 non-refundable deposit to confirm the booking. The balance payment would then be required 7 days before the event.
What about if you can't attend for some reason?
In the unlikely event that I cannot attend attend your booking due to illness or transport problems, I will ensure that any money paid is refunded in full.
Copyright © 2020 Caricatures by Tony Marriott (Tony's Toons) - All Rights Reserved.
Member of the FSB (Federation of Small Businesses)
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